- Antonia Hilberts Weg bei neopubli

From internship to permanent employment

- Antonia Hilberts Weg bei neopubli

How Antonia Found the Perfect Career Start Thanks to her Internship

Why did you decide to join Neopubli?

After I completed my internship at Neopubli, I didn't have to think long, when I was offered a permanent position as an Author Consultant. I already knew the company, the team and the products well, so as a recent graduate it was the perfect career start.

What studies did you complete and why did you decide on an internship at Neopubli at the time?

I studied book trade and publishing. A fellow student recommended an internship at Neopubli. The contents of the marketing internships convinced me. I also liked that I would be working with a young and cool team in the center of Berlin.

How would you describe your time as an intern at Neopubli?

In my time as an intern I was able to gain a lot of experience, try out various things, and supplement my study contents with practical knowledge. Most of all I enjoyed the working atmosphere. The team is super nice. I was fully included from the beginning and I never had the feeling of "just" being an intern.

What happened after your internship and how did you get your current job?

Because I made friends with my colleagues during my internship, I stayed in touch with them after I left. Thanks to the contacts I made during my internship, it was also easy for me to organize and conduct expert interviews for my bachelor's thesis. At the end of my last semester, a vacancy opened up and I was able to take on a permanent position at Neopubli after my bachelor's degree.

What tasks or projects do you particularly look forward to?

I really enjoy going to events for the company, like to Litcamps or Buch Berlin, where I can be in a direct exchange with our authors. I hope it will be possible again soon!

What do you especially value about your work at Neopubli?

I appreciate most in my work that we provide authors with the opportunity to fulfill their dream of their own book. It is nice to know that we can bring great joy to some people with our work.

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Portrait photo of our colleague Antonia


Author Consultant at Neopubli

" Thanks to the contacts I made during my internship, it was also easy for me to organize and conduct expert interviews for my bachelor's thesis."