Our Values
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

As an international media group we value the diversity of origins, experiences, opinions, perspectives and lifestyles of our authors, scientists and employees. We are committed to diversity, inclusion and equity - in our publications and within our media group. We strongly believe that diversity is an enrichment for our group of companies and contributes to our corporate success.
For us, inclusion and diversity means creating an environment which allows our employees to balance their work and private lives, in different life phases and lifestyles. With our family and life phase-oriented personnel policy, we offer our employees individual solutions for the combination of private life, family and career.

We treat our employees fairly on their career path at Holtzbrinck and promote them equitably. Even in the selection process, we address unconscious bias and promote equal opportunities through standardized recruiting processes.
Our comprehensive training opportunities at Holtzbrinck Campus, available to our employees, offer professional and personal development at your convenience. In addition, diversity and inclusion, managing heterogeneous teams, and unconscious bias are integral parts of our leadership training.

Since 2007, we are certified with the "Zertifikat Beruf & Familie" (Certificate Career & Family) as a particularly family-friendly company. With our family and life phase-oriented personnel policy, we continuously develop improved work and family life balance.

In October 2019, Holtzbrinck signed the "Charta der Vielfalt" (Diversity Charter), an initiative for the promotion of diversity in companies and institutes. As a signatory of the Charter, we strive to promote equal opportunity and diversity in our companies. We are committed to a corporate culture of diversity and appreciation of all employees and we actively promote a working environment free of prejudice.