Our Values
Holtzbrinck Campus
Employees can continue their development on a personal or technical level at our Holtzbrinck Campus. The vast and diverse online course library offers the opportunity to autonomously learn and build up new knowledge at any time. In addition, we offer regular online and in-person training on various topics such as IT & technology, management & leadership, marketing & sales and current book trends. Here, our employees can expand and deepen their knowledge and skills, and network with colleagues within our group.

Group-Wide Opportunities
Our group offers a broad spectrum of professional development opportunities. We support our employees in group-wide and international job changes. In addition, we also enable temporary work shadowing at other companies in the group.
Group-Wide Expert Exchange
Our employees benefit from knowledge and experience exchange across companies and borders. In group-wide events and subject-specific networks, we learn from each other and lay the foundation for joint innovations.
At Holtzbrinck Technology Day, employees exchange information about current projects and trends in the digital field. At Artificial Intelligence Day, experts from the Holtzbrinck Group advance future media world technologies.