Our AI Journey

Redefining Publishing, Research & Education

Boosting Discovery, Learning & Creativity

At Holtzbrinck Publishing Group, we see the potential of AI in aiding our mission to fuel scientific progress and discovery, to create a more personalized and tailored learning experience and to amplify the creative potential of authors and creators across the globe. Integral to our approach to AI is designing reliable, ethical, and safe solutions. We firmly place people and creativity at the heart of our actions. Our use of AI is not to replace but to support, augment, and, importantly, respect the uniqueness of human ability.

Unlocking New Levels of Creativity with AI

By empowering authors, illustrators, and other creatives, AI has the potential to elevate human creativity. Explore the exhilarating possibilities with Darryll, CTO & Founder of CHAPTR.

Enhancing Personalized Learning

Discover AI’s impact on the inherently human experience of learning as Macmillan Learning’s CEO Susan discusses AI in education and the company’s journey to create more personalized, tailored learning experiences that inspire what’s possible for every learner.

Enriching Human Created, Investigative Journalism

Join Sebastian, Deputy Editor In Chief & Director AI at ZEIT Verlagsgruppe, as he illuminates the transformative potential of generative AI to add a new dimension to investigative journalism while maintaining the distinctiveness of human-authored journalism.

Fueling Scientific Discoveries with AI

Step into the realm of AI in academic publishing with Thomas, VP AI at Springer Nature, as he guides us through its transformative potential, the challenges to overcome, and Springer Nature’s deep commitment to leveraging AI technology to boost discoveries and combat global challenges.

AI in Publishing: Supporting & Protecting Creators

Journey with James, COO at Pan Macmillan, as he explores the transformative impact of AI in the publishing industry, its potential to boost marketing effectiveness, and the vital importance of establishing ethical guidelines and legislative safeguards around its development and use.

Boosting Scientific Progress with AI

Delve in with Tim, Data Scientist at Digital Science, as he explores how AI can enhance the scientific process, amplify cognitive resources, and revolutionize how scientists work.

Meet More of Our AI Leaders & Experts

Springer Nature’s AI Innovations: Fueling Scientific Progress

Making Science Communication More Accessible through AI

Bridging Human and AI Collaboration in Education

Generative AI in Education: Macmillan Learning's Bold, Ethical Approach

Amplifying Human Expertise in Academic Publishing with AI

Turning Pages at Macmillan: The Power of AI to Boost Creativity